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     ////Jeanne' Blog  

A Good Leader vs. A Great One

In his book, Geeks and Geezers, Warren Bennis made a scientific study of leaders and what characterized them. He found, "The ability to find meaning and strength in adversity distinguishes leaders from non-leaders more than any one single quality...


Building Something that Will Last

Someone once privately asked me an interesting question. "How do you build something in youth ministry that will really last, Jeanne?"...


5 Ways To Plant An Eternal Signature

Years ago I attended the funeral of Pastor Wendell Smith, the founder of City Church in Seattle and Pastor Judah Smith's father. It was such a great picture of someone who had really made their life count for something. In that moment, I was very much aware of my own mortality. What did I really want my life to stand for?


Significant Questions

I recently received an email from a member of my Cadre who was wondering, "Am I asking the right questions?" Sadly, not too many people pause to ask those kinds of questions.

Though the word-game has become trite, his questions are now beginning to shift from "success" to "significance." I realize the worn out nature of those two words; but they aptly describe the transition he is wanting to make.


Fashioning Your Own Eternal Footprint

If you have been around me for any length of time, then you know that I am a woman on a mission to leave a legacy that honors Christ. So let me take a few minutes and share with you 6 thoughts on what it looks like to craft your own legacy: