Pick Your Jam Legacy Edition
Researchers at Stanford University conducted an experiment at an upscale grocery store to learn more about how people make choices. By offering samples of 6 different types of jams on one day and on an alternate day 24 different types, they discovered with 24 different types of jams, that people became overwhelmed and it was much more difficult to pick just one! So often our students are in such a similar mindset in their lives, that with so many choices of what to do next, that they are asking themselves the overwhelming question, "What in the world am I supposed to do for the rest of my life?!" It is up to us to help guide them in that decision making process!
In this Message, I honestly share that finding God's will for your future is often pretty unglamorous. I demystify the process by sharing "The Sacred 7." Thought provoking things to consider including key questions like, "Does it align with God's Word? Is there an internal peace associated with it? Do the circumstances (money, parents, opportunity) line up?" I leave them with some life-giving Scriptures to pray to the Lord as they seek His guidance and challenge them to write down a few of their "Jam Options."
It's painfully true that people who “have dreams” are COMMON. But the people who are willing, over the test of time, to pay the price tags to move that dream into a reality, are FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. These rare people earn their own position in the “Halls of Destiny.”
This Legacy Edition includes updated graphics and audio
This is one of the resources in the LEGACY called, 8,760 HOURS FROM NOW