One Of Christianity's Most Ignored Messages

I once heard someone say that a word of encouragement after a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after a success. This is the core of our teaching in this Source. Christians are quick to say many things but I want us to focus on what we are not saying.

We would all like to think that we are encouragers but the truth is, we are mostly complainers. We are called to take care of each other, to be friendly and hospitable, but how well are we really fulfilling this calling? If we believe the Lord's return is approaching then let us throw off whatever is hindering us from lovingly encouraging weaknesses and strongly encouraging strengths in our brothers and sisters.

As leaders, we are expected to be encouragers, but I know that it is easier to be encouraged than it is to encourage. As you make encouragement a habit in your life you will find your heart being changed and your attitude uplifted and remember, whatever gets rewarded gets repeated! As Celeste Holm so wisely stated, "We live by encouragement and die without it." Listen in as we talked about "One Of Christianity's Most Ignored Messages."

Still finding ways to encourage,